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  • Writer's pictureMozzie-Moz-Oz

Update: Character Index and Galleria added~!! :D

i've just added a gallery section and a character index to the site~!! :D

although it's just bare bones at the moment, information and content will slowly be filling in over time in the character index (i have a LOT of characters and a lot of drawing to do, lol).

as for the gallery section, currently there's just some Ai fun pieces in there from the time i spent attempting to get it to render my creations. and before anyone freaks out, i'm not an "Ai Artist." i actually draw my own things (or if i am unable to do so, i hire/commission someone to do so). to me, it's just fun to see what Ai will come up with if i use my own art as a base to start with, and so far, it's been pretty amusing and interesting.

anywho, that's all the updates for now~ :D

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